Roussounelos Building Company
Company address
26-28 Gregoriou Lampraki Str, Nikea, 18464
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ROUSSOUNELOS BUILDING COMPANY was founded in 1968 by Anastassios Roussounelos and works according to your own standards, dreams and needs. This is the reason why the company has won the trust and respect of thousands customers throughout its history. More than 3.500 families have housed their dreams in about 350 blocks of flats or house complexes. This is the reason why it is the leading luxurious appartments building company in Greece and the only one that can provide a Guarantee of quality, service and best prices.

Today, with our years of experience and our successful presence in the field of building, we have hundreds of ready appartments and maisonettes in more than twenty municipalities in the West suburbs, Piraeus, Athens centre and Aspropyrgos, Elefsina, Salamina and Chalkida areas.

Our company's human force stands by you from the first moment providing their knowledge and expertise and is the main force towards achieving our goals and our dynamic growth. All of our partners are accomplished professionals and dedicated to our customers so that they can respond with:

  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Responsibility


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Εύρος τιμών
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Price upon request
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